Do you want to reach physicians in Finland and the Nordic countries by specialty?

Lääkäriportaali has been in operation for over three decades and is the largest digital medical media service in Scandinavia and Finland, where you can reach physicians with diverse, specialty-specific content.

Lääkäriportaali's news, training, and other high-quality content in the field of medicine are widely used by Finnish physicians. As our customer, you can deliver your message to your target audience precisely when it is relevant.

Lääkäriportaali is published by Terve Media Oy.

Explore our products below.


Versatile visibility on the Lääkäriportaali and newsletters. Targeting by specialty, specialties, or even regions.

Comprehensive reporting of results.

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With our training you can reach physicians at numerous touchpoints

In every touchpoint you can provide useful information supported by your own message to your target group.

You save time and effort: we take responsibility for the production from start to finish.

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Printed products serve as door openers for pharmaceutical company field sales representatives.

Digital products are used in remote pharmaceutical presentations to physicians.

Content is produced by expert physicians.

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Content marketing

With a content marketing you can get the target group of physicians to delve into your topic and reach physicians from the perspective of your own message.

You can also get production for your article from Lääkäriportaali.

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Communicate international congress news to your target group in a new way in Finnish.

Lääkäriporaali's congress package reaches all specialties comprehensively.

You get advertising visibility in congress letters and in various other content.

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Contact our Sales Team!

Minna Haipus

Minna Haipus
[email protected]
puh. 040 719 6088

Anna Marjanen

Anna Marjanen
[email protected]
puh. 050 555 5250